Run, Jake, RUN! Yes Jake, run away from the dull girl!

Nov 24, 2009 12:56

Friday night was November 20th. November 20th, hmmmm… Wait; there is something that night. Something everyone was waiting for. What is it??!!!

” Oh my GAAAAWD! I am going to watch New Moon tonight.” I heard a girl scream at university.

So this was the day every Twilight fan was waiting for. And a day I was dreading. The madness around me would begin where everything and everyone would be running around and gushing over the romaaaantic movie.

But it was Friday and I was off classes early. What does a girl like me do then? I ask some of my friends to come with me and watch New Moon. Yes, you read right! I ASKED my friends to come with me and watch it. I am just of the opinion that you can’t criticize and shoot down and bash a book/movie/TV show or anything else if you have not read it or watched it. That would just be dumb and immature. So of course I had to watch New Moon before I could give my opinion on it, even though everyone knows my opinion about the first move, Twilight.
In the Cinema parlour I was ashamed. Yes, I was ashamed. All the teenage girls in Copenhagen where standing around me waiting to RUN inside the movie theatre.

When my friends and I were seated in the big theatre I was a little excited. It was the first time that I voluntarily walked in to watch a movie that I know I wouldn’t like. It was a new experience and it was FUN.
Suddenly there is a young man in a yellow T-shirt and yellow cap comes in to the huge room and stands in front of the big screen. He was extremely charismatic and such a little cutie. All the girls were screaming like crazy ”Oh my Gooooood. It’s Paul!!!!!”
When the movie ended I was left disappointed even though I had NO expectations what so ever. And that says something.

Edward Cullen - I could not bear looking at him making all these frantic eye movements and all his sickening ”romantic” words to Bella. I just can’t take him seriously.
Firstly, he SPARKLES in the sun. Well I know that Dracula must be ashamed down in his grave right now. And Damon Salvatore wouldn’t even have bothered to kill him because Damon would be insanely entertained by him and his sparkling ass.
When Edward sparkles, believe me, he is UGLY! I just don’t see the beauty of it all. He looks absolutely unattractive and just plain ugly
Besides the sparkling there is his personality or no-personality. The guy is a puppet. He has no personality what so ever when everything in his life is Bella and nothing else matters. That’s just not romantic. I find it deeply disturbing and unattractive in a guy if he is over-caring or says things like ”I would die without you”, ”My life does not have a meaning without your existence”. I feel like someone is feeding me syrup. No, not pancakes with Syrup, but ONLY syrup. Ugh I feel nauseous even thinking about it.

Now, while reading the books I was a fan at first. And I was Team Edward. And I also wanted to freaking MURDER that whiney ass Jacob. He was such a pain and just so annoying trying to push himself on Bella.
But…. After watching New Moon I love Jacob. No, not Book!Jacob. That is SO not the Jacob I saw in the movie. Taylor Lautner made me love a character I absolutely LOATHED the thought of. So all credit goes to the amazing Taylor Lautner. He looks so cute, had an amazing 8-pack, and he did the role with such dignity and grace that Book!Jacob didn’t even hear of.

I still hate the Twilight franchise, but I have to say that I love the wolf pack and how they loved to have fun together. The only things I enjoyed in the movie was Jacob Black, Jane from the Volturi and her twin brother Alec, although he did not get any real screen time (sulk).
Dakota Fanning is an outstandingly talented young girl and I have so much respect for her as an actress. She is great and she did the role of Jane perfectly.

Back to Bella Swan. Did I ever say how much I hate this girl?
One-dimensional at best and she is insanely annoying to even look at, not to mention listen to. Bella is a killjoy and she is just like Edward; no personality. I don’t get how so many people like her. Her whole life is about a guy, and when he left her she actually just lay down to die or whatever. She doesn’t care about herself or anyone or anything else in the world; it’s only Edward. Well, that’s pathetic. Not only pathetic, but that is not a role model for young girls to look up to.
Where are the strong girls? Where are the independent girls? Are we seriously now going backwards instead of forward? Going back to the good old days where women were dependent on men their whole lives.
Edward and Bella can have each other and go make lovey-dovey small talk and gooey eyes at each other somewhere VERY far away from this world.

That is just not a love I can believe in. What is their relationship about? Is it interesting just because he is a vampire and wants to eat her, but he doesn’t because he loves her? Why does he love her? Because he can’t read her mind? Excuse me, but that is the worst reason in the world to love someone for. What do they see in each other?
Does Bella love Edward because he is so ‘smashingly beautiful’ like she says? That’s very shallow from the ‘role model’ all girls should look up to. It just feels like Edward and Bella’s “love” lacks essence and substance. I tried to search in it and look to find something, anything, but I failed to find anything.
Maybe that is because both characters lack personality and substance themselves, and that’s why their ‘love’ is empty. I don’t even want to call it love because it must be an attraction and nothing more.

Kristen Stewart has got to be one of the worst actresses in her generation. Either that or Bella is REALLY much more annoying and dull than I thought while reading the books. I dont remember Book!Bella stuttering and stumbling on every word or two. Kristen Stewart was a MAJOR mistake for the cast, I think.

Robert Pattinson - hmmm... I dont know. He was good in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire as Cedric Diggroy, I actually cried when Voldemort killed him. Poor boy. But well, I think he did a good job on being Edward. Edward is meant to be like this, it's not Robert's fault.

When the movie ended I felt very disappointed with it even though I didn’t expect much. The cheesy lines were all over the place and all the tiny tweeny girls in the theatre went “awwwwwwww” every five seconds. Please!

I only liked Jacob and his wolf pack and Jane.
Jacob Black should find himself another girl to fall in love with. It’s a shame that a boy like him wastes his time and affection on a girl who doesn’t deserve it because she is clearly ‘in love’ with someone else. She said it herself “don’t make me choose, because it would be him.”
Besides that, Jacob Black (movie Jacob) has a lot more personality in him than Bella can handle. She wouldn’t know what to do with all his charm, wit, sweetness and intelligence.

With all that being said, I am definetely going to watch Eclipse and Breaking Dawn when they come out, because if Taylor Lautner continues to be THIS cool as Jacob, then I have something to look forward to. And of course the stunning Dakota Fanning. And also the fact that after watching these movies I have the right to criticize them without anyone screaming "But you dont know what you are talking about!"

I just say "Yes, I definetely know what I am talking about!" ;)

Discuss away, and please dont kill me Twilight-fans, I still love all of you for being my friends ;)

taylor lautner, twilight, new moon, movies

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