Devilish Angel - Damon/Elena fanfic part 2

Nov 14, 2009 19:50

Title: Devilish Angel
Author: Me (MissDK)
Rating: PG (I dont know how to rate stories xD)
Pairing: OF course Damon/Elena and a little Stefan/Elena
Summary: He was the devil in person, but he had the face of an angel. He was a Devilish Angel.
Part 2/2

Devilish Angel part 2

Elena was suddenly awake and could not go back to sleep. She looked at the watch on her nightstand. 4:15 am. This must be a joke. She was absolutely sure that she was not being manipulated. She never took the vervain necklace off. Elena tried to close her eyes again but she still could not sleep. She was feeling restless now and it did no good to stay in bed. She knew it was a crazy idea, but she could not think of another option. She got dressed and went outside the house. At first she walked around her house in circles.
“I know what you want,” she thought. Elena sighed, not completely sure if it was a good idea to do what she had in mind. She celebrated her 18th birthday today and the clock was still ticking. Elena knew that he was not sleeping in this hour. He was probably out somewhere sucking a poor bastard dry or just hanging around in the huge house.

She went back in to the house, put on her coat and went outside again. She was walking towards the Salvatore house in the dark, and she had to cross the cemetery to get there. She totally forgot about the cemetery until she was standing in front of it. She had goose bumps all over her body now and she was not sure whether she was going to do this now or not. The cemetery was kind of scary in the daylight, but even more in the middle of the night. All the trees and their branches looked like long fingers ready to reach out for her and grab her by the hair if she came near.
I am a coward, she thought and turned back to go home. When she was about to open the door to her house she felt a cold hand close over her own, preventing her from opening the door. His hard body was pressed against her back and his lips were now by her ear.
“I told you that I know what you want,” he whispered.
Elena turned around to look at him although that might have been a bad idea because he was closer to her than she first thought. The smooth skin of his face looked irresistible in the moonlight. His smile was faint. Elena tried to look as though it was perfectly normal for her to be outside her house on this time of the night.
“What are you talking about?”
“You know what I mean, Elena. Stop trying to run away from it.”
“I am not running away.”
“No? Then why were you out at this time of the night? You never really struck me as the type who parties to the early morning.”

Elena glared at him. “Well that is because you don’t know me!”
He came even closer to her face now. “That is another lie. Don’t be stupid like my brother. Why are you so afraid of giving in to your deepest desire?”
She looked in to his eyes, searching them. Why did he want to change her? What was in it for him when he knew that she wanted to do this so she could be with Stefan forever?
“And why are you so obnoxious and trying to taste my blood with the sick excuse that I want it?”
Damon shook his head slightly and stepped a little away from her. She could finally breath normally now that she regained her personal space. Elena crossed her arms over her chest and he did the same. They were looking at each other with an intense stare like it was a staring competition. Damon’s eyes went from her eyes and directly to her neck and when he stepped closer to her again Elena did not move. His lips were now only one mere inch away from the skin of her neck. The pure excitement she felt by what she knew he was about to do to her and by his proximity to her was overwhelming. He put on finger on her neck and traced down, like trying to find a good vein. She gulped. When he opened his mouth Elena finally regained her senses and pushed him away.
“No, no, no!”

Elena opened the front door to the house and went inside quickly. Running up the stairs and throwing herself under the covers she held her comforter tight and tried to even her breath. She was going insane because of this. There was nothing she wanted more in the world than what Damon was offering her, and seemingly without anything in return - for now. But right now she did not care whether Damon expected anything from her, she would deal with it later once she got what she wanted. There was no point in denying the fact that she was very much tempted to give in to Damon and make him turn her into a vampire, although she would love it if Stefan did it. She wanted his lips on her neck, her blood running through Stefan’s veins and his through hers. But what could she do when Stefan refused the very idea of it? Slowly the sunrays illuminated her room and there was no point in trying to sleep even though it was very early in the morning. 6:18 am.
Mr. Johnson was going on and on about chemical reactions and how the negative particles attract the positive particles. She did not really pay it any attention because her mind was elsewhere. Stefan was looking at Elena from his seat and he looked worried. She was very thankful that he had given her the necklace because now he cannot hear her thoughts even if he tried to. She knew that he wouldn’t do that, but it’s always good to be on the safe side. It was actually ironic. Stefan gave her this necklace to prevent Damon from manipulating her or using any mind tricks on her, and now she was glad that he, Stefan, could not hear her thoughts while she did not care if Damon could. It wouldn’t make any difference because Damon already knew what she wanted. While her mind wandered, Elena could only see the image of her being bitten in the neck.
“Elena. Elena!” Bonnie was shaking her softly. “Come on. School is over, let’s go.”
“Uh, you can go home Bonnie. I have something to do first.”
“I can go with you.” Bonnie smiled at her sweetly.
“No, you cant. It’s nothing big, and I need to do it alone. I’ll just talk to you later tonight. Bye.” Elena hugged Bonnie and hurried out of the classroom not noticing Stefan following her.

On the way to the big house Elena could not think of anything else than what she was about to say to him. He would give her the ‘I-told-you-so’ smirk, but she did not care because the desire inside her was so strong that it could burn this entire town down. She was going to do this whether Stefan liked it or not. And anyway, he would not turn his back on her once her transformation begins.
When she arrived at the huge wooden door she took a deep breath and knocked. She tried to listen at the door for his approaching steps, but she could not hear anything. Still concentrated on listening she was surprised when the door suddenly swung open and revealed Damon standing in front of her without a shirt on. The muscles on his chest were amazingly defined and his stomach muscles looked even better. Before she could go further with any thoughts about his body she looked at his face. “Can I come in?”
There it was, the smirk. “Who am I to say no to a beauty like you?”
“You know that I did not come here for you, so don’t talk to me like that.” Her voice was shaking slightly and it would not have been clear to the human ear, but Damon was not human.
“Why did you come then? You know that Stefan is not here. What do you need?”
Without warning Elena closed the gap between them and was now standing so close to him that their legs touched. “You know what I came for. I need it. Now!”
She was boring her eyes in to his like her life depended on it.
“All right. As you wish.” Damon put one of his hands on Elena’s face and caressed her cheek gently. “Relax and don’t be scared. If you are scared it will hurt.” Elena let out a long breath and tilted her head backwards so he had full access to her neck. Now Damon’s face was right above her own and she looked in to his eyes. Her heart was pounding as if it wanted to warn her that this was dangerous, wrong and stupid. His eyes were as deep as always and right now she could swear that they looked at her softly. It was the first time she saw that look in his eyes. Damon’s breathing was also becoming a little faster than usual. Elena closed her eyes and waited for him to do what she came here for. She waited for him to change her life forever and give her the thing she wanted the most. Elena was ready for eternity; she was ready for a life in the dark, ready to give in to the temptation, finally. She waited for him to sink his fangs into her, but instead of the sting she heard a scream and she opened her eyes to see Stefan running towards them with a wooden stake in his hand.
“Noooo!” Elena tried to push Damon out of the way, but Stefan was faster and the stake went through Damon’s flesh.

Damon had dropped her from his arms and now she was on the floor. She looked up and saw him on his knees struggling to get the stake out of his body, but he couldn’t. He fell down on the floor on his back. He was panting quickly and Stefan was standing above him.
“I told you to stay away form her!”
Elena looked up at Stefan and suddenly anger filled her whole body. She felt that she could rip his head apart from his body right then and there.
“Why did you do that? I asked him to do it! I asked him to turn me. I came over here and made him agree to bite me!” Elena was now punching Stefan in the chest with all the strength in her still-human body. She knew that all her punches did not do any good.
Damon was still lying on the floor with a wooden stake sticking out of his body. Elena crawled to him and could not believe her eyes. And she could not believe her body either. She felt an incredible amount of pain invade her body. Her heart hurt so much that it felt like splitting in two pieces. Without any warning she started crying loudly. In between her sobs she tried to make out sentences “You killed him. Oh my God, he is dead now.” She could not believe any of it. Neither that Damon was now lying here lifeless or her own reaction. She did not know what happened to her once she saw him on the floor and the blood streaming out of his chest.
Elena put both her hands around the stake and used all of her power to get it out of him. After several tries she finally managed to remove it from his body.

Her whole body was shivering hard and her sobs became more and more harsh.
“Damon! Damon, can you hear me? Please say something, anything.” The tears kept streaming down her face and then falling down on his wound. Her tears were now mixing with his blood making the blood have another shade of red. It was the exact colour of his lips.
Stefan put his hand above his eyes, realization suddenly hitting him. He had staked his own brother. And Elena was still trying to comprehend what had happened. She was almost hysterical, shaking his body with all her might. “Damon!”
“Do you hear me Damon? Please.” She was begging him to give her a sign, just something. But nothing happened. No breathing, his usually slow heartbeat stopped. She stopped sobbing, the wind stopped blowing and Stefan stopped pacing. Everything just stopped.
What is happening to me? What is wrong with me? The pain is so unbearable.
She did not understand why she became so hysterical about this, but something within her disappeared along with his last breath. His blue eyes were still open. He looked in to empty space. Elena could not even make herself close his eyes. She didn’t want to. If she did, it would mean that she would never be able to see these eyes ever again. He looked amazingly gorgeous even now without life in his body. She was so cold, shivering while looking at his pale face with the eternally rosy cheeks.

Stefan tried to talk to her, but all she heard was a blur of noises.
When she finally was beginning to grasp what actually happened she thought that she heard his low voice, but she was sure that her mind was playing tricks on her. That was until she felt his hand close on hers. Elena turned her head to him quickly. ”Damon? Can you hear me?”
He could barely whisper. ”Yes” he breathed.
She tried to look at the wound. It was very deep and unlikely to heal anytime soon.
She did not understand how this could be. She thought that if staked with wood, vampires die. But now after looking closely she could see that Stefan missed Damon’s heart by a little inch. It must have been due to her pushing him out of the way.
Now she noticed the wound healing very slowly.
”I need…” he was out of breath. ”I need blood. Now.” he managed to say and Elena didnt know whether he was talking to her or Stefan. She looked up at Stefan.
”Come on help me get him up to his bed.” Stefan obeyed without a word. He carried Damon on his shoulder effortlessly and up the stairs. He put his brother down on his bed before Elena pushed him out of the way to help Damon to a sitting position. She took a deep breath before sitting on his lap carefully and as gently as she could. Elena swept her long hair to the side exposing the flesh of her neck to him. That was when Stefan stormed out of the room. Damon looked at her neck longingly, but then he managed to tear his gaze away from her neck and looked in her eyes. She nodded. ”I trust you.” she whispered.
”But it’s a bad idea to trust me, Elena. I need a lot of blood.”
”I will take the consequence of all my actions. If trusting you is a mistake, it is me who will be paying for that. I am taking the chance.” The next second she felt his long fingers on the back of her head and his cool lips on her neck. He kissed her neck a couple of times. Her stomach was tossing and turning like it was filled with all the butterflies in the world. Her skin was tingling in anticipation and besides beating erratically her heart was filled with feelings she could not describe. Her whole body was almost vibrating with all those uncontrollable sensations, and it filled her from her head down to the very end of her toes. “If this is what I was running away from, then I am done running. Anyone who chooses not to feel all this must be out of their right mind.” He kissed her neck one more time before slowly sinking his fangs into her flesh gently.

When she thought he was dead she felt the life being sucked out of her slowly and now it was all returning to her with him drawing blood out from her and in to him. Right now all her nerve ends were alert and she could feel his lips gently caressing the skin of her soft neck and his tongue grazing another spot making her sigh contently. The feeling of giving in was amazing, but slowly the pleasant feeling of her blood being sucked out turned to be more like a pressure on her body and slowly she could feel that her heart was beating a little slower.
The taste of her blood was so sweet and it felt so good in his weak body. He was becoming stronger with every drop of blood she was giving him. He could think of nothing else but the next drop of blood, and the next drop, and all of her blood. In his mind was now the picture of her face, warm brown eyes and a perfect bowed read mouth. The blood was giving him a rush he never felt before, not with any human’s blood before.
He didn’t stop. He kept sucking slowly with his eyes closed like in a trance. Elena put a hand in his hair and tugged at it a little.
“Damon, please stop.” When he still didn’t stop she felt the fear creep in to her. The tears were now prickling her eyes threatening to stream down any second. She could not really blame him. She knew what she was doing when she sat on his lap and gave him her blood willingly. With all of the blood he lost he needed much more than all of her blood and he could not stop. Elena looked at Damon’s face; he had closed eyes and the look of pure pleasure on his face was unmistakeable. At least she was making him happy with her death. She sighed deeply and closed her eyes.

It was as if Damon could hear her thoughts and feel the peace she felt when she accepted the death penalty she brought on herself. He opened his eyes suddenly, withdrew his fangs from her neck and turned her in his arms. He held her face and looked at her, his eyes told her he was terrified. “Are you okay?”
Elena was trying to make her breathing steady after what happened. Then she nodded slowly.
“I was about to kill you. I just couldn’t make myself stop. I am so sorry.”
“How are you feeling?”
“Much better. But I need far more blood than this. I lost a lot of blood. I may need two or three humans.” Elena gave him a disapproving look and he rolled his eyes.
“Fine. Bring me five humans then and I will snatch, eat and erase. They will not remember anything and none of them will die.”
Elena sighed now relieved that he was becoming himself again. He was still badly injured and needed a lot of blood, but he was his old self again which made her smile. Some things just never change, and he will always be like this. A devilish angel.

damon/elena, elena, fanfiction, damon

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