The Fatalists have spoken!

Oct 25, 2009 13:49

Once upon a time there was a girl called Lala surfing the internet. One day she stumbled upon a website called FanForum.
Inside Fanforum Lala found everything she ever wished for about her favorite hobbies.
So many people sharing the same favorite TV-shows, movies and books. Lala thought she came to heaven! So many new people, so many new friends and everything was just fantastic.

This entry is about my currently (and possibly for a looong time) favorite group of people on and our beloved thread on the Vampire Diaries board. 
Even before the show began I read the Vampire Diaries books and I was instantly hooked by the story and I was extremely fascinated by Damon Salvatore.

Evil, cruel, dark, twisted, damaged are all words any reader of the books / watcher of the show will associate with Damon directly. Damon is the perfect vampire, and he is not ashamed of being what he is. But within all that there is a heart and a lot of hidden emotions after the painful heartbreak he suffered after the whole Katherine-affair. Katherine, the female vampire who transformed both Stefan and Damon Salvatore into vampires because they were both in love with her, and she couldnt choose between them.

Broken-hearted, Damon wanders around in the big and wide world, feeding on and killing people. But that does not necessarily need to be a bad thing. As mentioned before, Damon is a man who understands to accept what he is, and he embraces all aspects of his vampirism and does what a normal vampire does. Over the years Damon has developed a lot of seducing skills, a lot of magical powers and a lot of physical strength.

When Damon first met Elena Gilbert, he was only interested in her to haunt his brother Stefan because he (Stefan)  fell in love with her, and Damon also wanted to taste her blood. But then Damon realized what amazing potential there is in Elena. 
Elena Gilbert is a passionate, fierce and fiery woman beneath the ice-queen facade. All things his brother Stefan could never understand or bring out or use. But also all things Damon could appreciate and bring out in her. Fascinated by all that Damon wants her to be his Queen of Shadows, which could not be more perfect for a couple like them.

When Elena first met Damon Salvatore she did not know that he was her boyfriend's evil brother. He enchanted her with his amazing beauty and his dazzling deep black eyes (in the books) or blue eyes in the show.

When Elena found out that he was Stefan's brother and how dangerous he was, she hated him. She hated him with such passion. A passion that proved to be essential to their future relationship.

I dont want to spoil anymore of the books if anyone reading this is thinking of reading the books or maybe the show decides to take some storylines from the books in to the show.

But back to my new friends on the Damon/Elena thread on, we have a shipper's name "The Fatalists", and we have some pretty interesting discussion about our favorite couple, and in the last couple of days, these discussions have produced some fantastic comments and views, something I would be glad to share with you all.

First of all we came up with some word that decribe the relationship of Damon/Elena, consisting of 2 words, beginning with D and E.

Destined for Eternity
Dangerous Emotions
Dangerous Enchantment
Dark Elation
Deliciously Evil

And it was a team effort :)

On the show it is clear that Damon and Elena are a great match for each other. They are both very strong characters with fiery personalities. What I love in their relationship is that Elena is not like a lot of girls who is scared of the bad boy coming her way, she stands up for herself and the ones she loves. 
In the episode 1x06, Damon came over to Elena's house looking for Stefan and even though Elena knew that he is a dangerous creature who could rip out her throat any second, she gathered all the strength inside her and stood tall facing him. 
When he asked "So, where is Stefan?" in that very angry and stern tone, she didnt back down and answered him with the exact same tone dripping of angry feelings. "He's out looking for Vicki!". 
When Damon then cornered her by the wall and was very close to her face she did not back down and provoked him by asking if he ever thanked Katherine for making him a vampire.
The look on his face then was priceless. His eyes lowered from her eyes to her lips and then lowered again to the floor. She got him! I couldnt believe all the vulnerability and emotions in his eyes so apparent at the mention of his long-time lost lover.

My friend Natalie had these thoughts:

And yeah, Lost Girls cemented Elena as a strong female lead to me. With Stefan and Damon. I loved that while she was clearly frightened of Damon she was trying not to show it, and giving as good as she got. I think the difference is with Stefan, he lets her do whatever. Whereas I can just imagine Elena and Damon having a right fiery, passionate argument!!

On the matter of Elena looking exactly like Katherine and them being the same, this is what I think.
I think Damon is hurting terribly over Katherine and what happened. I think that part of him is angry with her because of what she did to both of them; Stefan and himself, but the other part of him still not over her and loves her. 
Yes, Elena did a great job showing Damon that she is not Katherine on any level, which is essential for this love to be true. If Damon or Stefan in this case will be able to love her and be in a real relationship with her, they need to understand that she is very much different from Katherine, and Damon knows that FOR SURE now. The slap and the confrontations with him and all the yelling at him etc.

Just the thought of Damon and Elena gives me the chills, because their relationship is filled with hidden emotions, hidden passion,  hidden attraction, hidden curiosity - Hidden Everything. 
All these factors will develop to hidden love, which will be even more amazingly over-whelming when everything comes up to the surface and these two fierce souls and they finally give in to all that, because it all became too big and too strong for them to fight it any longer.

Bottom Line is Damon/Elena = OTP

And now I would love to hear your opinions on this couple, what do you think?

Special thanks to my friends from the Damon/Elena thread on

fanforum, vampire diaries, elena, damon

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