Night snack - Damon/Elena one-shot

Oct 14, 2009 01:51

I have been working on this one-shot for a while now, and I got help to edit it from my friend Megan (lacunaclaudia), so thanks a lot Meg ;)
This is my first EVER fanfic, so I hope you will like it.
Comments are absolutely LOVE, so please read and review ;)

Elena walked through the graveyard that was now covered in snow. Everything was white. Elena liked the wintertime. It was her favorite season of the year. Everything looked pure, untouched and innocent. She continued walking towards Stefan’s house feeling good in the cool and crispy air.

She looked down at the candent deluge in front of her, her eyes playing tricks on her in the mass of snow, seeing shining dots everywhere. White, white, white, red, white.

Wait! Red?!

There was a small crimson spot in the moist, pale snow. Elena’s eyes rested on another drop of red and another and another. She followed the trail a little further and there she saw him.

Elena’s eyes widened and she stood frozen, stuck, at a stasis. She could see his dark shining hair and then a woman gasping for air with her eyes wide open. It looked like he was kissing her neck, but Elena knew what this was. She felt her blood freezing in her veins and her skin tingling with fear.

The woman slowly closed her eyes and drew her last breath before slumping down in his strong arms, lifeless. Elena felt her stomach turn and her throat tighten.

That was when Damon finally lifted his head from the woman’s neck and looked up at Elena. His eyes as blue and deep as the ocean and his lips red as rubies. And all around him was the white snow. He looked absolutely stunning - breathtaking. She could not take her eyes off of him even if she wanted to.

Her eyes were drawn to his beautiful face like a magnet was drawn to metal. And he looked at her, their eyes locking. At first his expression was puzzled, but in a matter of seconds his signature smirk returned to his lips making Elena’s knees a little weak.

He moved from his spot leaving the woman lying there in the snow and approached Elena. Her instincts told her to run for her life, because he was a monster, but her body just would not obey. She kept looking at him as he came closer to her. He was standing a couple of feet away when he flashed her a two-second smile. She was amazed by his beauty, but also terrified by what he was. His eyes were boring into hers.

”You just missed dinner. I am sorry I didn’t wait for you. But I figured that you wouldn’t like what was on the menu.”

She knew what he was. She knew what they were, but seeing him do it was more than she thought that she could handle. Elena turned her face away from him, expending all her willpower. She heard a little chuckle from him.

”You are disgusting.” she managed to say, looking at anything, anything but him.

”Am I now? I was just having dinner.”

”You could have had dinner with -”

“Stefan, I know. But you see, I think Stefan’s dinner is as disgusting as you think mine is.”

She turned her back to him to go towards Stefan’s house again but then Damon was in front of her instantly. She sighed impatiently.

”What do you want Damon? Are you still hungry? Just so you know, I am not food!”

Damon tilted his head a little, looking at her face.

“Hmm… I’d say that you would make an excellent dinner Elena. But I am full, so that will have to wait for another time.” Elena shook her head and started towards the house again. This time, Damon did not follow her.

Stefan answered the door, taking her hand and leading her inside. It was nice to come inside the warm living room. Stefan’s living room was amazing. Once they were sitting on the couch Elena leaned in and kissed him. It felt nice to kiss him; he was so gentle and soft. With her eyes closed still kissing him, Damon’s face with the ruby-red blood still on his lips was all she could see. She opened her eyes and pulled away from her boyfriend.

Stefan looked at her with a puzzled expression.

“Are you okay, Elena?”

She nodded smiling. ”Yes. Everything is fine.” she lied.

Stefan usually did not question her further and it seemed like he believed her this time too. They heard the door open and a dark tall figure was standing in the living room the next second. He smiled at them.

“Aww, there we have our favorite couple in Mystic Falls. Don’t you two look cute?” His smile was crooked. Elena sighed thinking that she was irritated, but really she was enjoying this little game of his.

“Yes, here we are being cute. What are you doing here with us when you can be outside doing other things? Or let’s see, could it be because you’re so sad that no one else would have you hanging around them?”

Damon put a hand on his chest faking a hurt expression. ”Ouch! That hurt, Elena.” Then he chuckled. ”No, there are a lot of young women out there who would love my company, but I thought that I would rather spend the evening with my favorite brother and his beautiful girlfriend.”

Elena knew that he was being sarcastic, but she couldn’t help but feel a little pang of excitement when he said ‘beautiful’, and the bastard knew it. Damon lifted one of his perfect eyebrows and smiled at her.

Stefan was tired of having Damon there, so he stood up taking Elena’s hand.

”Come on, let’s go upstairs.” When Stefan pulled her with him upstairs she felt a need to run down to the living room again to continue her banter with Damon, but she knew better than to do such a foolish thing and especially in front of Stefan. He might get the wrong idea.

“You know, Stefan. I have to go home now. I promised aunt Jenna that I wouldn’t be gone for long.”

“Uh, okay then. I will see you at school tomorrow. I am sorry about -”

“Damon? It’s okay. I know him by now.”

Once Elena was lying in her bed in her white silky nightgown she closed her tired eyes after closing her diary. She wrote everything that happened that day. A specific name was mentioned a lot in tonight’s entry. His deep blue eyes and his bloody lips didn’t leave her memory. Every time she closed her eyes she saw it again and again.

The shiny black hair, the blue eyes, the woman gasping for air, the ruby-red lips stained with blood. His stare at her giving her goosebumps.

Of course, it frightened her to the core to know what he was able to do and what he did to survive, but at the same time, the sight of him sucking on that woman’s neck excited her.

I am a twisted, horrible person. That was cruel what he did, she thought to herself.

But how does it feel? His lips on my neck and - said another voice in her head before she stopped herself in her thoughts.

Almost like instinct she put her hand on her chest to check if she was still wearing the necklace that Stefan had given her. It was right there where it should be. That meant that these thoughts were - her own?

Stefan! How could I forget about Stefan? I can’t fantasize about his brother. This is so wrong in every possible way.

That was when she heard a sound from the window.

She turned around quickly to see who was there, and she felt another presence with her in the room. She couldn’t see this person, but his aura made her shiver slightly.

”Who’s there?” she whispered looking around her room when she spotted his deep blue eyes flickering in the dim light from her night lamp. Elena’s heart sank a little and she drew in a breath. One little butterfly found a way to her stomach.

“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be sleeping at home?”

“Oh please, I am a creature of the dark. I usually sleep in the day-hours.”

“But I don’t. So get out of here before I-”

“Before you what? Call dear Stefan? Or scream for your aunt to come up here?” He smiled, a big smile, showing her his sharp pointed fangs. Elena got the point and laid herself back down on her bed closing her eyes.

All right, Elena. Focus on evening your breath, and slow down your heartbeat. This is irrational!

She knew that he was lying beside her on the bed now. Her body was having a hard time keeping up with all the things going on inside it because of his closeness to her. She felt her skin burning hot and her cheeks blushing. When she opened her eyes she saw him looking at her.

“You could be doing more fun things with me instead of sleeping, Elena.” he whispered. She felt his cool breath hit her hot cheek. Only those sensations made her close her eyes and sigh. But quickly she regained her composure and rolled her eyes at him.

“Let’s set some things straight here Damon. One: I am not Katherine. Two: I am not your food. Three: I am not going to be having any kind of fun with you. Do you understand?”

Damon let out a little charming chuckle. She looked at him and he sighed irritated.

“Dear beautiful Elena.” He said and the same feeling from earlier this evening came back to her. More damn butterflies flew in to her stomach. “I like how determined you sound. But we both know who the stronger one here is, and we both know which one of us that will get his way.” He stroked her cheek gently with his thumb, and she shivered.

“If only one touch from me could stir you up like this, don’t you wonder what other things will make you feel? Aren’t you curious to know?”

In her little daze she was about to agree with him, but she quickly shook her head.

“I am with Stefan, you idiot!” she snarked, not having any other reason to give him for not wanting to do anything with him.

He didn’t like the way this conversation was heading. It was all too familiar to him. It sounded just like the conversation he had with Katherine once. Damon turned his back to her and let out a long sigh. He closed his eyes for a moment and opened them again.

“I don’t care about Stefan. I care about me.”

“But I do care about Stefan.”

He turned around to face her again, and now all the determination was gone from her features, and she was just a girl trying to deny an obvious conflict going on inside her. He came back to her bed and leaned over her.

He ignored her last sentence and his face was now just one inch away from hers. He looked in to her brown eyes and parted his lips slightly. He put strands of hair behind her ear so he had a view of one side of her neck. Her pale neck. It looked amazingly delicious.

Elena’s breath was getting heavier with the way things were going. Damon put a cold finger on her hot neck and traced down one of her veins looking at it intensely. He traced with his tongue the path of her vein. She felt his tongue as fire burning her already hot neck and she wanted more, but she was scared. She was scared of him and of what he might do to her. She was scared out of her right mind of what this might mean.

“Just relax, Elena. Do not move one inch and just - relax all your muscles…” he whispered in her ear before licking it and suckling on her earlobe. Elena moaned softly and sighed. Small kisses were being printed on her neck. It was like the butterflies from her stomach were now on her neck.

Really? Butterfly kisses? Damon? Wow, this really feels amazing, his lips are so soft and firm.

Damon’s lips were now on her jaw. He kissed her jaw, and finally he came to his final destination. Elena opened her eyes to look at him before this happened. Damon was smiling softly at her, and she just looked at his full lips. They were the most delicious lips she had ever seen on a man. Even more than Stefan’s. And right now, she did not care more about Stefan than Damon did. She moved her face closer to his and finally their lips met. His lips were cool and hers were hot, and that sensation alone made Elena almost moan uncontrollably.

Damon’s lips pressed roughly against Elena’s own, finding a small opening there where to suck her breath and then let it flow back into her as his arms enclosed her tightly. As Elena’s fingers clasped the back of his neck, she could sense the form of an elusive grin play on Damon’s angelic features as she felt his mouth kissing the soft indentation where her tiny dimples formed on her face.

They kept kissing until Elena had to come up for air. She pulled away from him with one of her hands suddenly in his amazingly silky hair and looked in to his eyes. She saw something she never saw before.

Damon kissed her one more time on the lips before going back to his favorite part - her neck.

“Please don’t, Damon,” she whispered.

“Please don’t what?”

“Don’t kill me.”

His cold lips met her very hot neck and she moaned again making him smile against her skin. Slowly his sharp and pointed fangs touched her neck. After giving her a moment to prepare herself, he pierced his fangs in to her neck. There was only a little pain in that. Not what she imagined this would be like. Instead of the pain she expected she felt the amazing feeling of her blood being drawn out of her body slowly and gently. It was like she was floating on a cloud while Damon was drinking her blood.

Suddenly she could sense his mood. It was like they had a mental bond while he was sucking her blood. He was not thirsty; he was just enjoying the taste of her blood, the taste of her. He was extremely happy. She closed her eyes and let the feeling envelop her and then she let out a soft moan. As slowly as he got them in there, Damon took his fangs out of her neck and licked the spot as if to heal the scar he just gave her. Damon put one hand on Elena’s cheek and looked at her face.

“You actually made an amazing night-snack.”

She let out a little giggle despite herself.

“So, what did I taste like?” she asked playfully. She was suddenly in a very good mood although feeling a little more tired. Damon smirked.

“You tasted like … nothing I have tasted before actually.” He answered seriously.

Elena felt very tired after being a night-snack to Damon, so she yawned and fell asleep within a second. Damon ran a hand through her silky brown hair before he jumped out her window and disappeared in to the night.

damon/elena, vampire diaries, one-shot, elena, fanfiction, damon

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