More wishes and wanting list! <3

Apr 09, 2017 00:17

I posted my Snivy family wanting list some time ago, so let's do the other lists! :)

Let's start from Dragonite (and evo family) because it's the easier. This is my Dragonite collection nowadays:

I have only one grail wish in this collection, and it's actually the DX Tomy! This one is really hard to find! :(

The rule about the my Dratini/Air/Nite collection, both for figures and plushies, except for DX Tomy is: "if isn't in this picture, I actually want"! Iris' angry Dragonite itens are very welcome here too! :)
About Flat/Misc I'm making my focus in TCG Cards and itens Lance related (Lance's Dragonite with Lance). I'm really lazy to take pics of the Dratini evo line cards I have, but just remember I have anyone from gens 6th and 7th! Any Dratini evo line cards from XY, Generations and Sun/Moon are sure it will make me happy!! I also like to collect cards in very different languages, so if you have cards in other languages than Portugese or English, even if I already have it, I'll be happy! French, Spanish, Japanese, Russian... <3

Talking about Dragonite, let's change to Dragon Master! This cute guy right here! ^^

My Lance's collection looks small because it's really small because he almost don't have items related... It's so sad! :( But ok, this is my collection until now:

I guess I have every original Pokémon Center itens related to him, but I'm not sure! If there's an original item you know it exists, you eventually have and you can't see in this pictures, just show me! I'll surely want it. ^^"
I also bought the HG/SS Guidebook recently, but it isn't in this pic because it's still in the way!

- I don't know if Lance appears/is mentioned in the FR/LG guidebook. If yes, I'm also interested on it! :)
- I'm also interested on loose pages of magazines/books he appears
- The Adventures Manga on Yellow's chapter when Lance appears, it can be any volume. It's actually being released here in Brazil, but same as TCG cards, I like to collect in other languages too! So it can be in English, Japanese, Spanish... Don't mind!

- TCG Cards. These one are important! :D
There's a collection called VS, it was released only in Japan for a looong time ago! You could see in my pics I have four Lance's Cards from this collection (dragonite, Kingdra, Gyarados and Ampharos), but there's still three missing:

Lance's Aerodactyl

Lance's Charizard (this one is really expensive and is not the first on my Priority list right now)

Lance's TM. This one is riddiculously rare and I don't have an idea of price because I just never found one! If it wasn't for Bulbapedia I wouldn't even know it exists!! If someone finds this one for me, I'm gonna love this person for eternity!! I've found it on eBay when I was searching for the image, but I still didn't bought, so... ;)

Custom Items I have the Pinypon custom I made about three years ago, this pillow an Brazilian artisan made about four years ago, an doll custom I'm making on an Ever After High doll and a Nendoroid I'm gonna finish in next months. I'm always searching for any kind of custom itens too: Acrylic charms, plushies, custom tags, buttons... anything!!
Talking about custom itens, this is my perler wall! :)

Any Lance's sprite you can't find here are welcome! <3 (The B2/w2 sprite would make me really happy)

At least, My Lysandre's wanting list!!
This is my Lys' collection nowadays

Even with XY&Z, there isn't much original stuff about him... There was some items from Team Flare on Secret Teams collection; my Flare collection is 99% complete, except for the Flarechu plush keychain and the gruntchus TCG card! So I'm almost done with Flare stuff and taking my focus on my Little Pyroar guy! <3

- I'm actually looking for the X/Y guide book which he appears (not the loose page, the entire guidebook)
- I'm also interested on loose pages of magazines/books he appears (lots of CoroCoro, please!!)
- I don't know if it's an original item, but I already saw people who owns the concept arts printed. If it's original items, I'd like to have the Lys's arts. (People calls them here in other name I can't remember right now. I'm talking about this)

He has four of these: This one focused on him, other for his glasses, other for his "Dr. Octopus cosplay" and another for his "cockroach bracelet" (I don't know the name that things have!!)
- The Adventures Mangá on XY when he appears, it can be any volume and any language. But please, avoid that volume when he dies and it shows his dead body... Please, just don't!! I'm always trying to forget he was killed three times! :'(

TCG Cards.
Lysandre's Trump Card - Basic version. I know it's silly!! I know this one is cheap and ordinary to find, but I'm really not lucky with this one! I tried to buy it three times and in these three times, they got lost at post office!! This card hates me! :'( Once I'm not lucky to get it in any language, any language is welcome! (But the last one I've lost was a Japanese one, so I'd be much happier if it was a Japanese card)

(this is exactly the card I've bought last and got lost! :'( )

The other basic card with other languages - I actually have them in Portuguese and English. I'd prefer to have the cards in the languages which his name changes (Fuladari, Lysson, Flordelis...)

Custom Itens I actually have only this Nendoroid I made (I love it SO HARD)! <3 Any kind of custom items are welcome, but there's one that is such a grail for me, this one!

THIS ACRILYC CHARM IS THE CUTEST THING IN THE WORLD!!! It was made by an artisan called InkyBlackKnight. I bought some charms from them, and I recieved a little card with this Lys illustration (you can see it on collection's picture). I was really hoping they re-release this Lys charm (It was a #PerfectWorldShipping set and Sycamore came togeher), but unfortunately they stopped making charms. I still hope I'm gonna find it someday!
But I'm also always searching for any kind of custom itens too: Acrylic charms, plushies, custom tags, buttons... anything!! <3

About perler sprites, I found this one so cute!

credits to: KurisuSai
I'd love to have a sprite of him on HG/SS style (just like the Lances on my wall), but I still haven't found nothing like this on my searchings... :(

Well I guess everything is here in this wall text! My Snivy evo line wishes you can find here! Thanks so much for reading! <3
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