Event - Xmas 2012

Dec 26, 2012 20:00

This year I took Xmas on the road again, with a holiday rental in Kangaroo Valley at a house called Bottlebrush Lodge. With a gorgeous setting of Australian bushland to admire and explore, and a private pool, I was keen for as little time as possible in a kitchen. Enter Pepe Saya...

With a pudding I bought from a stall in Black Head Markets (keep your eyes peeled for an upcoming blog post about the markets), and some Pepe Saya Brandy Butter & Vanilla Pouring Custard, I was set!

After a liberal application of brandy, and a bit of a flame, I laid down rounds of brandy butter, and doused the whole lot with vanilla pouring custard.

This plate was my favourite food moment of Xmas 2012 - thank you Pepe Saya!

By the way - there's no need to wait until next Xmas to try his products! I can't imagine many puddings that his Vanilla Pouring Custard wouldn't improve, or you could just have it as a treat by itself.

Pepe Saya
Unit 4, 3 WoodStreet, Tempe
Ph: (02) 9559 4449

food, events

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