heyy i havent been on for a while coz iwas in Sydney from friday and just got back today! It was pretty good, but soo cold. The shopping is of course awesome compared to Brisbane but i didnt buy alot coz theres nothing i want but i did get some kool stuff, sum clothes, ipod accesory and this black bracelet band thingy by louis vuitton..very nice but I HATE not wanting anything i really want lol well there is sumthing i want but im just short $10 000
its this awesome watch by technomarine and its all diamonds and got a pink strap. its so kool and i got so mad coz i begged my mum for it and she said no LOL im so unrealistic coz theres no way she could get me that without taking out a loan and going broke but i still got mad
lol but i promise im going to get it one day even if it takes me 10yrs to save to buy it, which it probly will!! grr orrr i could just go to the USA and buy it for less then half the price
hmm good idea me! lol
tmmorow i got laser force for the "mcdonalds fun day out" all the maccas crew playing laserforce lol! puhleaz, but vicki is coming to pick me up and im scared coz shes got her license now and shes a real dumbass so she'll probly crash, ahwell. i hope i win haha