I should've kept my mouth shut

Jun 18, 2024 08:53

I was just commenting to Sis that in the rehab/nursing home that even though he's had some bad days, he wasn't having the auditory hallucinations that someone was out to get him.

Well I jinxed myself since last night he called me at 11:30 in an absolute state of terror saying someone was in his room and trying to kill him. I kept trying to say I didn't hear anything but nothing was getting through. I texted Sis who was already asleep so she didn't see them until this morning and then I tried looking up the facility and it took a few tries but I got a person who I let them know what was going on (also found out from Sis this morning that he is in "Unit C" so I know that now). I hope they were able to go calm him down. When I talked to him a little before lunchtime, he'd told me he was sick several times so maybe it was dehydration that threw him off again. Poor guy.

Sis and BIL are also going to get hold of the assisted living that was holding his room and they're going to try to figure out what to do with his belongings there since it's obvious that he's not going to be able to go back there. Even if the rehab was able to get him more mobile, his mental state isn't going to allow him to return. In the rehab, he's in the memory care area and that's likely where he's going to be now.

Getting old sucks and neither one of my parents are going out gracefully, unfortunately.

In non-Dad goings on, I have my doctor at 1:30 today and hopefully she can do more than she did last time. The lump grew back and thankfully I'd been putting bandages over it since yesterday it sprung a leak.

doctor stuff, dad health

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