Better luck at the Rose and Sensory Garden

Jun 03, 2024 11:02

Since today is forecast to possibly get hot, I got up early and first went to the laundromat to wash some clothes that I don't send out for the service (since I don't want them to be dried on hot and shrink) and also some other items that I unearthed from drawers that smelled a bit musty from being in there for ages. It was only one Ikea bag so it was a pretty quick visit and not much lifting. It was close to 8 when I was done so I drove out again to the Rose and Sensory Garden to get some green therapy. It was MUCH better today. Most of the people that were there were the volunteers working in the garden. I couldn't get a good picture of the fountain since someone was standing in it and scrubbing and spraying it down.

However I did get plenty of pictures in the rose garden

And others in the sensory garden.

The embed link doesn't seem to be coming up in Instagram for the preview so I put links to the posts instead. Feel free to follow there if you're IG-inclined. I don't post a ton and it's mostly meals and cats.

I didn't stay long since it was getting warm quickly and also because I was getting hungry. Metformin is still kicking my digestive system in the mornings even though I take it between 6-7 the night before with a meal. So I didn't eat breakfast or have any coffee before heading out since I didn't want to have to hunt down a public restroom.

Even though it was just a short visit, it was nice and helped a lot. I do want to go back in a few months. Even though the rose garden will be sparse, the sensory garden will be much more full than it was today and it'll also be even quieter. Hopefully by then the stomach is better so I can sit and chill for even longer.
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