Jul 05, 2022 09:03
I was wondering whether I could give JonJon broth during the fast and actually found out on many vet sites that the 12 hour fast historically recommended is actually bad for cats, that 6-8 hours is preferable. Well that was a relief. I fed them their last "meal" at 11pm and then at 1:15 am he and the girl got a small wet snack (he gets turkey baby food). So since they're likely not going to start any procedures until 9 or after, that's a good enough window to be safe.
I actually took a Xanax at 1am in the hopes that it would knock me out good enough that he couldn't try to wake me up for treats like he does. Because my back was being uncooperative yesterday and I desperately needed to lie down as much as I could before this morning's festivities. Miraculously it worked and he slept in the tree. However like cats do, he knew something was up and around 7:40 he was still hunkered down and looking concerned. I had to pry his little claws off the tree and hold on to him tight to get him in the carrier. But thankfully I didn't get scratched and there was no escaping. Plenty of whining, naturally, but he's a Master Whiner anyway.
I made the ol' drop off at 8 and since they didn't send the paperwork in advance to me, they went over the estimate (upwards of $800 just for blood tests and xrays and such) and also signed off on the just in case stuff. I opt for non-invasive life saving procedures only. Both kitties are 10 years old now and if something bad enough happens, the last thing I want is for them to crack them open and do something so serious. If my kitty's heart is that bad, then he couldn't get the radioactive iodine treatment anyway and he wouldn't have all that much longer. So chest compressions only if something happens. Otherwise it's fate telling me it's time. But obviously hopefully none of that happens and he's healthy enough to proceed to his trip down South to NorthStar Vets on August 1.
cat health