ah well, so much for a stress free weekend. my history test is next week on Tuesday. ::sigh:: well, it was fun while it lasted...
aten_ra, and i are going out for drinks - martinis to be specific. unfortunately or fortunately depending upon your point of view, i have never had a martini. this is mainly because almost everyone i know of who has had one thinks they tasted like shit/rubbing alcohol/piss and other nasty things. but tonight, i will drink one. hopefully it won't taste so horrible that i can't drink it. :D
calichan was telling me some of the types of martinis and she mentioned a Butterfinger Martini, that supposedly tastes like a liquid butterfinger, and i don't know about you guys but does that not sound incredibly disgusting? when i get back, i'll post and tell ya whether i liked it or not. ::laughs:: cheers!
~Artemis Luna Diana~