as i was much too fucking tired last night to post about this, here we go this morning...
so we took Nakishia out for her birthday celebrations last night. went to dinner at the Olive Garden, then hit a shoe store, followed by Barnes and Noble (where i picked up two excellent books on Greek i really needed any more) and then we went to the movies. all and all a very enjoyable evening.
calichan says i shocked some poor woman who happened to overhear me say "Snape was giving Harry a blowjob" or something to that affect. i didn't notice, but if i did then i'm pleased i did so, gave her something "disturbing" to talk about when she got home.
the movie was good despite the fact that it had almost nothing to do with the Arthurian legend. there was some major slash vibes coming off of Arthur and Lancelot and then another set, a little more subdued coming from Gawain and Galahad. i can feel the fic bunnies approaching me.
which reminds me, last night at dinner i got hit by a disturbing plot bunny, that i think i'll end up writing: Harry/Dobby. yes, i was very shocked when the thought popped into my head, shocked everyone at the table as well. :D quite excellent.
then to top the night off, when we left the movie, we ended up discussing the movie with a couple that had seen it. or rather
calichan and i were, and Nakishia and Katie were waiting for us to shut-up. i admit we might talk a bit too much, but well what can you do, eh? anyway, the discussion was fine, even fun, until the guy revealed what a moron he was. told us he was a feminist and did a lot of male-bashing among other things.
calichan went off a bit, and i pointed to her and was basically like "what she said." i started to ask him if he hated men, but
calichan stalked off, so we all hit the road and left the theater. bitched in the car about the moron, then we all hit the sack.
like i said, enjoyable night. anyway, i rec King Arthur, but don't expect to see the familiar tale. now, i have to run to class to get there on time. cheers!
~Artemis Luna Diana~