Nov 17, 2011 19:05
This is so frustrating already.
I was fired (unfairly) at the end of August and I've been haggling with the company over Unemployment Insurance since then. Forms to fill out, telephone hearings, appeals. And I won, and I thought it was over, but no.
I get more paperwork in the mail today. They filed ANOTHER appeal.
How many times can they keep doing this?!
I was good at my job and I did everything they asked and everything I was told. I knew they were getting rid of everyone the program manager had hired (and I was the first one she hired) one by one, but I thought I had more time and I was completely blindsided. To make matters worse, they made sure my healthcare ended immediately, knowing full well that I have a handful of chronic conditions that require prescriptions.
Since losing my job, I've done everything right. I cut out unnecessary expenses. I switched cell phone providers to get a cheaper rate. I cancelled out all magazines that were ready to renew, cancelled Netflix and my Ancestry accounts and even altered my grocery shopping to save money.
The worst thing I did was spend $89 on Spirit airfare to go to Orlando with my sister in law and my niece and her parents. All I had to pay was airfare, they are covering the rooms, food and letting me use their old hopper passes to get into the Disney parks.
So why the HELL do I keep getting shafted?!