giftofgab has brought to my attention that *very* familiar icons of a certain "tv boyfriend" have been floating around the ether with other people's names attached. To this I say: dude? Please, have courtesy, and if you like an icon of mine enough to lift it, at least leave me a note saying you're doing so. Despite the rumors, I'm not an evil bitch who will eat your babies if you make a request. Hell, I might even make an icon for you. (and I'm not even that good, people! Don't you want to steal *cooler* icons?)
Okay. Enough of that rant.
Remember how I said I wasn't going to write dreams in here anymore? I lied.
Last night, my teeth were falling out in my dream, and I was spitting them into my hand like little mini tooth-shaped chiclets. It was pretty gross, actually. But when I got out my dream dictionary this morning, it revealed that "if [your teeth] fell out or you spit them out, it is a sign of a season of financial reverses."
Woo hoo! 'Cause I'm damn poor right now, and any reverse can only be of the good.