in which i obsess. (a little)

Jan 15, 2006 20:26

I think I may have a problem with my Marsevent photos. In that I can't tear my eyes away from them. Observe this exchange:

missdeviant: i've been looking at the pictures so obsessively, i had to put the one of jd and mm and me and zimshan as my wallpaper
missdeviant: and i noticed that JD's hand in that shot is almost TOUCHING my neck
missdeviant: and i was like "dude? why did i not notice this at the TIME?"
buffyx: GUH
missdeviant: (wish you were in it!)
buffyx: yeah, but I look at that picture and can say that they were both staring intently into my eyes
buffyx: okay, by "eyes" I mean "camera lens" but close enough

missdeviant: you should now have all the pictures (except the ones on my camera phone, which were crappy) that i took this weekend in your e-mail account
buffyx: I got those! thank you
missdeviant: so you can study them as intently as i have
missdeviant: i was comparing TEETH WHITENESS
missdeviant: i have a problem
missdeviant: fortunately, i also have very white teeth

austin marsathon, vmars

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