2010 Costume Plans

Jan 13, 2010 13:24

What a whirlwind! With 3 cons in a month, and fabric shopping fun time with Melissa I am set for this year!!

It's got my brain spinning with things to do this year. So, following suit with my fellow cosplayers, here are my proposed 2010 cosplay plans!! Ok, we all know this is subject to change... buuuuuut, it's what I'd like to try and accomplish. ^_^

Comic Costumes

Emma Frost

C'mon, you knew this was coming! When Dark X-Men debuted, I was dying to do this costume! But with the way my summer went last year, making new costumes was the last thing on my mind.....

Scarlet Witch

A costume I've been wanting to do for years but kept putting her off. With an Avengers group at D*C planned, and Ms. Marvel already taken -- I've been asked to do (and happily consented to) doing Scarlet Witch!!! :D I've had her on the table since last year, when I found the PERFECT pink fabric at Gail K here in Atlanta.

Star Sapphire

I wish I could get away with doing the current costume, but I'm just not built for it ^_^;; Another one left over from last year that I hope to bring to life this year!

Anime Cosutmes

Sheryl Nome

Her Star Date outfit to complement my friend moofysue 's Ranka! Probably for MomoCon. ^_^


For epic Tenchi Muyo group of awesomeness at Otakon! sadistic_apollo is even going to be Tenchi! :D


Another one of those "I've always wanted to do her but never had the nerve." Which isn't QUITE true. I started on her back in 2005 and never completed her (due to school getting in the way). So going to do this with my Pioneer domination at Otakon :D

Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne

This is a throw-back. I actually had this commissioned back in 1999 and wore it to AWA. Now I want to take my turn at one of my favorite anime from that period. :) I'm really going to go all out with this one and take some liberties with it!

cosplay, costumes

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