Hello, It's Thursday!

Jan 03, 2013 07:38

I went to have the brake fluid checked on the 1st and the guy said that it had to be an error message because the fluid was fine. Stupid car. (I am grateful that it didn't cost me anything though, but still, STUPID CAR!)

Today I'm feeling all angry and rage-y, like the littlest thing is going to set me off. Ugh! I have no idea why though. It started last night and I decided that it was because I was tired and went to sleep, but I still feel tired and angry this morning. I hope it goes away, I hate feeling like this.

I got a bill from Bennington College for $227 (not covered by the loans, total due for the semester is $28,495). I didn't expect that, and I already don't have money, so I'm going to have to pull it out of my emergency fund. Which is already lower than I like because I've had to pull money out a couple of times in the last 2 months. Unless I charge it. Charge cards are a whole other problem of mine though, so I'm going to try not to do that.

It's gonna be cold today. Like 21 degrees. It might be my first 'hat day' this year. Brrr!
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