Tutorial: Downloading brushes on Gimp

Sep 09, 2009 16:00

all right, so i was pretty bored and then i remembered that i was going to make more tutorials and... ;)
quick, easy steps to get all the brushes you want on Gimp. this is very similar to getting fonts, and some of the steps will be practically the same (here is my tutorial for downloading fonts on Gimp). again, this tut is for macs, but im pretty sure you can work it on windows.

ready? ^^

-- Make sure Gimp and X11 are closed. Every time you add something new to the Gimp, whatever it is, its always good to do this so you dont have to quit, refresh, etc etc. --

1. Pick out a site to download you brush. There are lots of sites you can get brushes from, but deviantArt is my choice site. Im going to start from there. at dA's homepage, you'll see a bar on the left side. click on "Resources and Stock Images" - this helps to narrow your search so you dont have to sift through a bunch of undesired stuff. type "gimp brushes" in the search box.

2. When you find something you like, click - you'll see a small preview, you can enlarge it if you want; now click on the "Download" button on the left side of the screen.

3. It will download onto your desktop (some of them will be zipped. to unzip, just double click on it).

4. Open the file, select all, and copy. Hold on to that.

5. Now open Finder, go to your user folder (the one with the little house).

Open Library --> Application Support --> Gimp. When you open the Gimp folder, click on "Brushes" (for me its right at the top).

6. Open the Brushes folder (if this is your first time downloading a brush, it should be empty).

Ok, so you're almost done. Paste the brushes you copied in step 4 all in the empty "Brushes" folder. Now you can delete the brush file you downloaded in step 3.

done. youve got your brushes!
just as easy as the fonts, right? :)

if you still have a question, leave a comment and i'll help you out; or if you just want to say something about my tutorial, i enjoy feedback. lol :D.


brushes, gimp, graphics, tutorials

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