
Nov 11, 2008 10:24

Some dickwad fucked with the Obama sign I had painted in my car's back window. It rained in my area last night, so I guess the dipshit figured I'd think it just washed away. Too bad I know the fucking difference between streaking and finger-smudges.
Besides, the markers I used don't come off in the rain. It rained the day before, too and my sign was fine.

Even though I was planning to remove the logo today anyway, I'm going to repaint it again. And this time, It's just going to be a massive Obama logo with the words, 'YES WE DID', underneath.

From now on, I'm going to be backing my car into one of the spaces that face my bedroom window. That way if any idiots decide they want to fuck with my car, me and one of my kitchen knives can have a nice chat with them.


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