May 24, 2008 19:09
My internet connection has been down for the past two weeks solid as a result of the thunderously stupid management at my apartment complex.
There have been ongoing internet issues since I moved into that stupid place. They finally decided to try fixing the issues, and their "fix" involved taking the entire network down while they try to tell their asses from their elbows upgrade the connection.
So this is the fourth time in less than two years I've been stuck without an internet connection for more than 7 straight days.
I'll be so glad to be shot of that hell hole come August.
Right now, I'm on campus. I suffered the last two weeks without the internet because I belived that I could only use the on-campus labs if I was currently enrolled (i.e. in may-mester or summer school).
Out of desperation, I decided to try getting into the lab anyway and I could! Maybe because I've already registered for fall or something.
Just before I tried coming on campus, I attempted to use the computers in the computer lab they have in the front office of my complex, and surprise surprise, the so-called new and improved network that was functioning on Friday was NOT working today!
Anyway, to make matters worse, now that the network at my complex is "back up", my computer still won't connect to the internet. I don't know what's wrong w/it, but I'm taking it home with me when I go to Houston for my little bro's high school graduation so that he can take a look at it.
I'm also thinking of buying one a wireless card so that I can surf on any *cough* not protected wif-fi networks.
my apartment sucks