Broken dreams...

Apr 04, 2007 01:26

I am officially no longer an art major.

For the coming fall semester, I will be a merchandising major.

I didn't want to switch, but the situation was basically taken out of my hands.

If I want to own my own business, I have to have the merchandising background. A straight fashion design degree (an art degree) alone just won't cut it if I want develop my own label.

It's depressing the hell out of me to be losing this status as an art major. Ever since the 10th grade, I've defined myself as an artist.

I dunno, but there's just something romantic about being able to say to people, "I'm an art major". There's nothing romantic about being merchandising major. It's boring and pedestrian.

I feel like I'm losing a huge part of me. And for the life of me, I DON'T KNOW WHY! I mean, I can still draw and design on my own time, right?

But...I hate to say it...I will definitely miss the label.

Now I'm just a merchandising major who likes to draw.


art stuff

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