Work sucks.

Oct 21, 2006 20:35

Whenever I begin a new job, I like it, for about 4 weeks, and then slowly I feel like my soul is being sucked from my being. I hated working at Bennigans so much that not even when I was eating Ramen for a week straight did I even think of getting a job for about 2 or so years.

I swear that it sometimes kills me to get through one four-hour evening shift. I'm such a pussy, I know, but do you know what it's like to talk nonstop for 240 minutes? I feel physically drained when I get done.

Essentially I'm a telemarketer for a publishing company in Dallas that exclusively publishes alumni directories--Harvard, Cornell, Princeton, Notre Dame, UT, etc, etc. We do also publish for smaller universities and state colleges. I call alumni and update their information before the directory is published, but I also try to sell the directory to every single person I call. Some schools sell better than others (Cornell or Boston College vs. Valparaiso or Drake University) and some schools are filled with assholes. Complete, utter shits.

The people of the state of Indiana are complete dicks. I didn't know this before we started doing the Indiana State University alumni directory, but I get the most hang-ups, pissy wives ("Uh, we're not interested!" Yeah, that's nice bitch, but I was calling for your husband) and the least sales from that school. The funny thing is that those motherfuckers are always. home. Apparently there isn't shit to do in Indiana because there's never a lull between calls like when we're calling other schools. All of y'all motherfuckers are home, but you act like you've got something more important to do when we call? Whatever. I hardly ever get sales from ISU, but strangely the meaner I am to them, the more I sell. Go figure.

I got 8 sales today on a full shift (1 sale/hr), but I'm nowhere near commission for the two week pay period. 0.8 sales/hr for the entire two week pay period gets you 9 bucks/hour. I normally work 40 hours or 20/week. But in the first 16 hours of this pay period, I only got four sales.
I've become really good in the three months I've been there, but we're doing ALOT of shitty schools, and the floor average is close to .6 sales/hr instead of the usual average of .9 sales an hour.

If you factor in today, I've put in 24 hours, but have only 12 sales. I'm only doing 32 hours this pay period, but I'd have to get 14 sales tomorrow for commission--with the schools we're doing, that ain't happening.

Our managers know that the schools we're doing suck ass, and they keep telling us we're getting TWO REALLY BIG SCHOOLS VERY SOON. But they've been saying that shit for the past two months now. We supposedly start UCLA in the next two weeks. We're supposedly starting Princeton in November. We'll see. I sell really well to California alumni, so maybe I can start making more than 8 dollars an hour for the holiday season.

work stuff

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