(no subject)

Sep 22, 2005 23:53

My dad decided to stay while Rita does the cha-cha all over the gulf coast. I knew he was going to stay. So he, my two brothers and my cousin from France are all at our house, ready to ride out the storm. I'm a worry-wart, but I'm a bit nervous. I think they'll be alright though.

In other news, school still sucks, I'm still broke and the liger is still pretty much my favorite animal I still have no social life. Oh yeah and I GOT MY NEW COMPUTER FROM FREEDESKTOPPC!!!!!.

It's a Sony Vaio desktop with 80 GB harddrive, 2+ gigs of memory, and a DVD burner. Hells yeah. AND I was one of the last to order that model because it's no longer available on the freedesktoppc site. All they have are Gateway and Dell models now. See...I told you guys to sign up! Now y'all done miss't out!

Unfortunately, it didn't come w/a monitor, but I'm working on getting that from freeflatscreens. My comp actually arrived last week, but my brother had to set it up for me. I don't know when I'll be able to go down and get it, but I hope it's soon. I can't wait to be rid of my mom's old laptop (what I've been using since I've been at school) Even though it's a Vaio too, it's a few years old and falling apart.

Anyway, I'm off to bed...except not, because I have a project due tomorrow. Sigh. At least it's friday =/

ETA: Ganked from ranata:

  1. bbc america:
    I'm absolutely obsessed with British television. THANK YOU DIGITAL CABLE!!! Fav. shows: The Office, Coupling, At Home with the Braithwaites, Little Britain, (the original) What Not to Wear and I'm sure I'm forgetting one...
  2. cherry cheesecake:
    My favorite desert ever!
  3. digital cable:
    Oh digital cable...where would I be without you. Without this wonderful service I never would have discovered the awesomeness of British t.v., Degrassi: The Next Generation or HBO original programming.
  4. fridays:
    What else is there to say?? It's the end of the week! Fridays are teh awesomeness
  5. jon stewart:
    The Daily Show. Best. Fake. News. Show. Ever. Hilarious, smart, one of the best shows on t.v.
  6. martin lawrence:
    I miss good black t.v. shows like Martin ='( What are we stuck with now? Reruns of 'The Parkers' on BET...
  7. pink:
    It's a good color.
  8. sex and the city:
    Even though I haven't seen many of the episodes, I love this show. I discovered it after it went off the air. Unfortunately, HBO only likes showing episodes I've seen before!!! Grr....off to Ares I go.
  9. that 70's show:
    Lol. It's been a while since I cleaned out my interests...
  10. writing:
    I miss writing stories. I'd do it more often if I wasn't busy learning stuff all the time. School you know =/ It feeds mercilessly on all your free time...

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