first week back at school

Jun 09, 2005 18:11

i'm back at school now. no longer home, thank the lawd yehovah on high.

the beginning of this week was rough. i forgot the ac plug to my laptop so i had NO internet access, NO sims, NO photoshop, NO nothing! and i don't have a t.v. so was bored out of my damn skull. i had to do schoolwork to entertain myself! yowza.

at any rate, i'm loving having a roomm to myself, but i know i'd love it more if i just had some money to spend on useless stuff. i want a t.v., some new sheets, some curtains, a rug, etc. useless etc. i want to decorate! shit! this is the closest i'm going to get to having my own apartment for a looooong time! i need to have fun with this!

since summer classes aren't held on fridays, i think i'm gonna look for a job tomorrow. why? because i hate talking to my parents, and the only time i talk to them willingly is to get some money out of them. if i get a job, i can cut off all communication with them completely.

good times.

my dorm sucks, school sucks

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