Nov 10, 2004 22:09
why does my stupid conscience always get in the way whenever i decide to exact sweet, sweet revenge. there's nothing like guilt to poo-poo all over a good some good ol' vengeance.
tonight, as i was going to dinner on campus, some asshole in a raggedy ass pickup cuts me off, of course after he did it, he tried to speed off but i wasn't playing that. i stayed on his ass all the way up the street. turns out he's also a student at my school because he turned into the drive for the dining hall i was going to. i still stayed on his tail, then this fool decideds to slam on his brakes and speed off again. now that kind of shit gets me heated. this fool cuts me off, THEN has the nerve to pull some shit like that? slamming on his brakes, making me nearly rear end him and causing my heart to hop clear out my chest and sit on the dash?
hell. to. the. naw.
so, as i passed him while he was parking his junk bucket i flipped him off. but somehow, that didn't seem to be enough. so, after i ate my dinner i walked back to my car with a soft-serve cone like i usually do. but this time, instead of enjoying my frozen treat on the drive back to my dorm, i sought out Asshat McFagtard's truck and smeared my chocolote ice cream on his windshield.
i feel good about it. but now the guilt's sucking the joy out of my totally cool act of retaliation. but even so, i still had to fight the urge to go back and admire my handiwork.
someone tell me i did the right thing and that i'm not an evil hateful bitch....