Thank you Jesus, Buddha, Vishnu and Zeus!

Jan 21, 2010 11:25


Not with the company from my last entry, lol. That ship sailed. And by sailed, I mean sunk like the Titanic.

I interviewed for two different internships this week and was accepted by both! Apparently, I am a hot commodity. LOL.
The second company hired me on the spot. Today, I found out the first company also decided to hire me. I only need one, so I had to turn down the first company since I work on a first come first serve basis. Yep. You snooze you loose.

ROFL. OK, let me stop making an ass of myself.

In all seriousness, I am so happy to have an internship. For a minute I was worried because I have to have one in order to graduate. Yay for not being a crippling disappointment to my family!


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