The Seamus muse has been placated... He is much less cranky now.
chapstickmess remains evil, although I suspect that now that it has been proven that being evil results in Seamus/Dean smut there will be no stoping her. Hmph indeed.
The usual disclaimer: I don't own them but boy do I wish I did.
Seamus/Dean smut. Most decidedly NC-17. )
Comments 12
That's the hottest line I've read in a good while... who knew it would be in a S/D, of all things? *fans self* Wow.
It's my mission.
Glad you liked it.
(a) If I had known you were capable of this, Cora dearest, I would have been more demanding of Corasmut a long time ago.
(b) The Seamus-muse always demands smut if he's feeling neglected.
(c) This is seriously hot. *fans self*
(d) We must put more Seamus/Dean in the universe! Now!
d) *NOD* I continue in my venture to convert the world to Seamus/Dean.
Cheers, Cora :)
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