This is me cutting...
Well, I was sitting by the fridge the other night and I felt like messing with the magnetic words that are on it. I wrote a short poem that I fit into a traditional Haiku form... of syllables 5-7-5 in number. The thing is... i really liked it and wanted to explore this form more. What I failed to realize is that I had not written a Haiku.
You see, there are many forms of Japanese poems... There are three that are mainly popular. The oldest is the Tanka of Syllables 5-7-5-7-7 which deals with nature and the questionable beauty of it. The Haiku is shorter 5-7-5 and also deals with nature, but has more of a "take it as you get it" feel. The modern Haiku, or the Senryu needs not deal with nature or natural things. The focus of a Senryu is to discuss a concrete topic and tie it into some larger metaphor for life.
I wrote some of each and posted them on my ficpress... read on!
Lemme know what you think there or on here.
Do you Haiku?