I really enjoy cooking and baking
I love to gift wrap and make sentimental homemade gifts like fudge and mason jars full of sugar, cinnamon and orange zest for your tea
I paint quite a bit
I took ballet for 10 years
I read Real Simple
I don't like watching or playing sports (except soccer)
I don't like beer
My guilty pleausure is chick lit (fluffy feel-good literature geared for women)
Walking into Sephora makes my heartrate quicken
When I cut all my hair off as short as my ears I felt less feminine and more insecure.
I am currently in Teacher's College to become a primary school teacher.
I love Bjork (the only guy who I have met who likes bjork was gay)
As I write these things, part of me recoils in embarassment at how gender specific these likes are. So embarassed that I'm also going to tell you that:
I have gone bungee jumping
I have white water rafted
I can ski double black diamonds
I take drumming classes and I play guitar
I have parasailed
I have a blue belt in Taekwondo
I have gone jungle trekking for a week in one of the oldest rain forests in the world.
I don't think I want to have kids
What is this strange sort of reverse sexism that exists at least in my brain? It that says I have to be embarassed that I have these motherly/womanly likes because for so long women have been confined to these stereotypes. Therefore, to admit that I even partially fall into that stereotypical category is to reverse all the equality that women have fought for.
Almost all of gender is learned, it is conditioned. I have feminine characteristics because I have been brought up to have feminine characteristics. My boyfriend is obsessed with basketball, does not know how to cook and feels like he should take care of me because he was nurtured to be like that. I feel like because I have been enlightened I must use my freedom of androgny to the full potential.
honestly though.... the wedding planner is one of my favourite movies