Mar 12, 2008 16:42
First... please cross your fingers that my car (whicht I wrecked about a month ago but just went into the shop last week) will be done by Friday as promised. I am tired of inconviencing people bringing me too and from work. It really is a pain in the ass for all.
Second.. please send good vibes that my insurance does not either go up TOO much or that I don't get dropped.
Third.... would someone tell LSU to get off its butt and tell me what is going on with my return application to just take some darn summer school classes so that I can finish my applicaton to grad school.
Fourth.... anybody feel like sending me some money? I really need it.. and it will go to good use :)
Fifth... can somebody please tell me why I am craving PB&J like nobody's business?? (this is a common thing too)