In less than an hour time I got to say good bye to Augues 2008 and welcome September 2008. Can you imagine how fast time actually fly? At the beginning of the year I was still thinking that 2008 had just arrived and now in 4 months time I going to say good bye to 2008.
In Singapore, 1 September is the a school holiday for students as it is
Teachers' Day. It is a day off for teachers too but not me. I still got class tommorrow. Anyway, I do have a present too. It is from Daniel. To be honest, he is my guinea pig 1st student. Taught him for coming 2 years and I felt that he is quite a good student wehereby he will do all the work given, well behave and smart but he like to make careless mistake. He live quite far from me but I still don't mind teaching him. Is his attitude that tell me to continue guiding him. Most of the time he disappoint me as he did not score well for his exam due to careless mistake and without those careless mistake, he can score high mark.Heard from him the other day that his family might be migrating over to some other country next year. Unless his brother can get top 3 in the whole level then his family will not be migrating. Upon hearing this news, I was quite upset as I can't bear to say good bye to him. Well, will see how it goes.
Next is Harni, sometime when teaching her, I will be damm piss off with her due to the way she give me the answer. Teaching her need a lot of paitent and I been with her for the past 8 months or so, I did find that she somehow did improve in her work but recently, I found out that she has been copying answer and I could not believe it. I tell myself that she might be understanding from her answer and not copy without understanding. I give her another chance by asking her to re-do some of the question and she did not do well do this come to a conculsion that she copy the answer. I was marking her work, again, I felt that I am marking the answer key and it is very obvious as the question is a problem sum and the answer key provide all the steps and there one part that is something like that"1000-488=521 There is 512 apples altogether" and she give me "1000-488-521" She did not write the statement as I told her not a need to. She did not do working so how am I going to say that she did not copy? the answer should be 512 instead of 512. Upon seeing that, I got too piss off to carry on marking the book. From this, I finally understand why my teachers used to not liking us to copy others work. I get the feel already. It is really pointless.
Angelica is a cubby girl and a 大小姐。She is a shy girl but now, she quite ok with me just that at time, I felt hurts by her. Sometime she is good, sometime she will have show me attitude and I felt that she is been pamper to much at home. No matter what, I going to guide her in her chinese for the next 2 months before I say good bye to her as I do not think that I gonig to take her next year.
Daniel, a malay boy who is much more pamper by his parents as he is the only son and he was quite ok at the beginning but he climb over my head. The parent too side him and there nothing much that I can help him if he does not change his attitude there no one to help me. That why I given up on him.
There two more but I got no comment on them and also time is running out as I want to go to my dream land already.
I been a student too. There is some teacher that I left me with memories. From my primary school I think the teacher will be Mr Ng Ban Chuan (Think that the way I spell his name) He is my chinese teacher and now he had already retired but I not sure if he is in China or Singaproe as he ever told me that after he retired, he will stay in China and Singapore. I had actually lost in touch with him for 6 years or so. After I moved house, I did inform him about it but there no reply from him. Wonder how has he been nowaday. If I not wrong he is already 66 this year.
From my secondary school, I think it is Miss Ang Hwee Ling. Lost in touch with her too as I found out that she had actually been transfer out of my secondary schoolalready and I had no idea where is she teaching now. There is actually a compostion written for her and it was been published in the school composition book. I had actually type it out.
在四年级时, 我爱上了数学。一天没有数学课浑身会很不自在。 在中二时,我数学成绩考得很好,所以从中三起,每堂数学课时,我就去快捷班上课。
每当洪老师在教书时,班上总是鸦雀无声,同学们都专心听课。可是毕竟快捷班的数学与普通课程有一段距离。 有好多我都听不动,而我又没去请教她。结果我在测验时考到很差的成绩。那时的我感到很伤心 难过,因为那时我第一次在求学生涯里数学不及格。中一和中二时,每次我的数学都考到班上最高分,而那次的测验成绩一落千丈,真的给我很大的打击。
well, my chinese not bad right? Got so many idom in there. I myself was also quite surprise that I can wrote such a long composition and I can say that up to date this is the longest compostion that I ever written in Chinese. Miss those days with her.
Got to stop here already as I really need to get an early rest already as I having cough and sore throat. Poor me...