Had not been sleeping well the whole of last week. Can wake up in the middle of the night without any reason and had to try to get back to sleep. Ended up with not enough sleep. At least this long weekend is great to let recharge my battery.
The last few days had been facebook-ing for hours. It had been part of my live and it somehow replace msn already as I been using that to chat with some friends. There is one game known as sketch and we are suppose to guess what the other parties is drawing. The other day was playing with HH and he super bad. Below is some of wha the drew.
Can guess what this picture is?? How am I suppose to know what he is drawing right? Well the answer for this is LAW. Does it look like law? well..don't think so.
HH is super bad. Saw the letter in black. He say I stupid. So bad right he. At first he drew it without the musical note so I thought is light all this but after those musical note then it is more obvious of what he drew right?
Again, HH talk back about me. Can tell what he drawing? Thought is fly all this but it is flea. Please don't think that I dirty or what. It is actually the pet society in facebook. I own a bunny in there and I did not play that why the bunny got alot of those fly or flea around my bunny. He super bad right.
See. HH drew this. It does not look like what he drew. He wanted to draw sunflower but he should draw the sun then the flower. Anyway, I also got this right.
This is 1 of the picture that I drew. I even wrote SAF for HH to guess and there is a ship to represent NAVY yet he does not know it, so it is my turn to scold him stupid. haha
Haha..What have I been doing this long weekend? Well, I had completed 95% of my ERD the rest of the 5% I not going to touch it as I had no idea how to link it up. It is way too messy. haha..so The best part is to throw it back to them right? Clever me..haha..Beside that, just now went to get Vince's present with HH and PQ. Again, HH was LATE. He FOREVER LATE want. Must go find a MR LATE shirt for him. good idea right. We hunt the whole shopping mall before we decide on what to get him. Hope that he will like what we choose for him. Tomorrow going to celebrate his birthday with him together with HH and PQ. Vance so bad, his brother's birthday also not able to celebrate with him.