Dec 19, 2005 21:26
I am now switching rows, one on the dreaded and will-never-be-finished Harry Potter Prisoner scarf, and one on the current coffee sleeve. I was also naughty and picked up some more yarn today for me to knit matt a cell phone cozy :) It is pretty nifty, and colorshaded with gray, black, a deep maroon and navy. I might also try making his DNA belt out of the same stuff if I like how it knits up on the cozy and such. Although, he did think about maybe wanting that out of hemp yarn...
I can hardly believe that Christmas is less than a week away. We are shopping some more tomorrow and probably on Thursday, my one day off besides this weekend. This morning wasn't so bad ice/snow wise, although I did enjoy yesterday's snow, it was so so pretty! I just hope that more freezing rain doesn't come and it freezes tonight, ugh. I have to work tomorrow morning, and that could be a pain, for sure.
I still haven't made a new decision school wise. I am thinking at this point maybe try a year at PSU or PCC, just to get back in the swing of things, see where Matt ends up and look at other programs, again. I had my heart set on Reed, and didn't think this would happen, so I really didn't use my looking time wisely this time around. PSU isn't a bad school, and has some great connections and isn't too far away, really. I would have to drive over the large, scary bridges to Portland and downtown, damn, but maybe I could manage that....
Hope everyone is well and almost all wrapped! Stay warm and safe :)