May 12, 2007 23:43
The school year is winding down. Next week I will be insanely busy with paperwork and grading and etc. I also need to clean my classroom. In other news our LEAP scores were awesome! I'm anxious to get my kids' ITBS scores in.
I'm starting to get anxious about ADVANCE, but also really excited about it, too! Seriously, I'd be ready to move in to Caddo tomorrow and be ok with that.
Today we went to Seth's house for mother's day. His mom is awesome and gave me a set of encyclopedias for my classroom. We went to a campground and hung out with all of his family, which was fun. Reggie pooped in the car. Poor Elizabeth was in the backseat with him.
Tomorrow Seth has to go work graduation, and I have to grade a ton of papers. I got behind for a variety of reasons, such as my great uncle dying, having a nasty cold, and having a ton of meetings after school. Not really looking forward to it...