Dec 01, 2006 21:33
I guess I'll post this here, too...
Seth and I are having a Christmas party! It will be Saturday, December 9 from 6ish until people get tired and go home.
Bring with you a gift for a white elephant exchange if you want to, any alcohol you want to drink, your Wiimote if you have one, and lots of holiday cheer!
We will decorate Christmas cookies, exchange gifts, and enjoy the fire (assuming we can get it lit.)
Please RSVP by Friday so I know how many to cook for! When you RSVP I'll end you directions to our place...
Also, in honor of Bridget's most recent post, I would like to remind everyone coming from any holiday party not to drink and drive, or drive into the back of a log truck like one of my coworkers did (oops.)