Nap Strike

Aug 02, 2011 21:20

Originally published at The Vintage Wife. You can comment here or there.

I have been trying to get a post together for the past three days, but due to a little lady who doesn’t like sleeping, my “free” time has been pretty much non existent. Last night she was up three hours past her bedtime. No fussing, she just wanted to play and be with mom and dad. Today she had a twenty minute nap, which pretty much just allowed me to eat lunch. The rest of the day she spent nursing and squirming about doing cute baby things. We nursed in bed, because I kept hoping she would drift off into dreamland. No such luck. (In that time though I was able to get some serious reading done, I was able to start a book and get almost 150 pages into it.)

I love being able to spend all my time with this little girl, she really has brought me so much countless joy. Times like these make me really think to myself, what did I do with my time before she arrived? I have never been one to just sit around and just watch television, I always like to be working on something. Looking back though, I feel like I could have done so much more. As much as I love all our time together, I desperately miss being able to create. I really look forward to a time when I can get just a little bit of me time, so I can actually finish a painting or finish a sewing project.

These days sleeping through the night is not so much a problem as daytime naps. Some days she will take them, and other days, not so much. Like today. I have tried in the past to get her onto a schedule, but didn’t have much luck. She would go a week with regular naps at about the same times every day, then the next week she would go on a napping strike and do everything in her power to stay awake. I hope as she gets older (she is going to be three months on Thursday!) that the naps will become more regular.

Most of what I read online about getting babies onto a napping/sleep schedule involve the cry it out method, which is simply not an option for us. You guys always have such great advice, care to share so tips on getting baby onto a schedule?

lucy, parenting

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