Everything is differenty!
anyway, I'm all caught up on GoT, anyone want to discuss?
You know what I found weird? they have completely changed the dynamic between Stannis and The Iron Bank. In the books, Tycho (what happened to the weird beard? Mycroft is probably better off without it) comes to Stannis to negotiate the Iron Thrones debts as opposed to Stannis going to Braavos for help. I mean, which is in itself completely out of character, but I like the faces Stannis was making, you could tell he was in a position that was uncomfortable to him, so at least they acknowledge that. Anyway, I found the dynamic shift interesting, but it's probably just a way to get Tycho into this season.
I found the Asha story line interesting, I wonder where they are going with that. Do you think they'll do the whole Queensmoot thing? probably not. Can't wait to see the Crow's Eye tho! ... if they didn't just amalgamate characters that is. Speaking of the Iron Born, really like Theon's change into Reek, that entire bath scene was so full of anxiety. I gotta hand it to the team here, some of these scenes in the past two episodes have been heart breaking (Jamie/Tyrion in his cell; Tyrion/Shae in court; Dat Red Viper/Tyrion in his cell ...omg the look of relief on Tyrion's face...so good), anxiety ridden (Reek/Ramsay)
Dany's ruling scenes. still. fucking. boring. What was up with Daario's in and out accent, are the producers/directors just giving up on accents now? Littlefinger, Tyrion, Daario...it's cuckoo bananas.
Little Robert is still an annoying little shit and it was great to watch Lysa fly, although I would have preferred Littlefinger to say "only Cat" instead of "your sister".
HOT PIE! great scene but i'm a bit miffed at Hot Pie telling Brienne that Arya had gotten out of King's Landing. One of the best things about this series is all the I dunno, is it dramatic irony? maybe. But the audience knows that *most* of the Stark kids are alive but most of the other characters presume them all dead. The show loses one of the key elements of the book by blabbing about it. for shame.
Also interesting was that they had Melisandre reveal that much (and more) of her magic is just smoke and mirrors, that's not revealed until she has her POV in DwD, guess it doesn't really matter, but that was a huge thing for me in the books when I read it. Also, I was checking out the Bloodraven story (again) and found that his powers/sorcery/magic are quite similar to Melisandre's which is great because obvies there is no Red God but I'd like to know where the magic comes from. Natural affinity that is boosted as you get closer to The Wall?
Guessing they will use Shireen as Edric?
Wonder if they will have The Hound die of Biter's wound instead of having Rorge take on his helm (does he even have it with him?). Talk about a great scene with Rorge, eh? go go Team Arya. I guess when he "dies" he'll stay dead? Unless he's not supposed to come back to Arya later (i REALLY HOPE HE DOES, but seems unlikely)