I remember when Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows came out and I was reading it...and reading it...and reading it...and getting more and more disgusting...
really, could JK Rowling have lifted any MORE from other stories? you gotta be kidding me.
Harry Potter follows a white animal to a lake where there is a sword? come the fuck on.
he's already had to destroy a ring, wearing the locket makes people mean, the old lady's last name was BAGSHOT. bagshot. as in Bagshot Row. as in where Bilbo Baggins lives.
The house elves look like Gollum and Creature ACTS like Gollum
I could go on and on..
Now, I understand tropes (white animal, mysterious swords in lakes) but some of these things are really specific. I understand that the house elves design and acting weren't of JK Rowlings design, but perhaps someone should have said "hey...its basically Gollum with more clothes and bigger ears"
But I also understand that JK doesn't consider her books fantasy (I read this somewhere, I dont remember where...here it is, i found it:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/4732385.stm ). so then she has no excuse, it's just blatant plagiarizing.
The saddest part of the movie was when I realized that Bill Nighy wasn't going to be in it anymore :(