Apr 06, 2008 20:00
Okay, so I seriously have a problem or something. I like to think of myself as pretty cultured. My father is extremely knowledgeable about classical music, and started taking me with him to symphony from a young age.
But for whatever reason, I cannot handle opera. And I don't just mean I dislike it. I mean....one time my friend Ashley took me to an opera when we were in college, and I started laughing uncontrollably. Something about the melodrama and the way it's expressed. This woman was doubled over clutching her abdomen in pain over an unrequited love. I had to bury my face in Ashley's shoulder to prevent an outburst. It was HORRIBLE!
Fast forward to this weekend. Mark and I were hanging out with a group of friends, and it was one of those gatherings that was left up in the air. We had dinner at one of their houses, and then they said we'd either play board games, watch Arrested Development, or go to symphony. All sounded great - how could we go wrong? We decided symphony it was.
Mark casually asked what the piece they'd be playing. "Fidelio," they said. "Beethoven's only opera."
"Oh no," I said.
"What?" they were perplexed.
"I can't do opera."
"I laugh. I'm apparently too immature to handle the genre."
I explained that the melodrama was too much for me. They reassured me that it wouldn't be "acted." Just sung.
But sure enough....it was acted enough that I could not contain myself, and I started convulsing uncontrollably. I think Mark kind of wanted to kill me for embarassing him. I asked if I could switch to a seat near the door in case I had an outburst, and that annoyed him more.
The whole thing was just hilarious. I know it's immature, but I really can't control it.
Anyway, the rest of the weekend was awesome. Great weather, rode my bike a ton, had a picnic in the park w/Mark, we went on a date Friday night, got a lot of shopping done. Just perfect start to finish.