On the topic of reviews

Jan 25, 2006 09:00

So, I was having a chat with foldingstar the other night about a review he'd received for one of his fics and it got me thinking.

Many, if not most, of you on my f-list are author-y types who have written and posted loads of fic (whereas I only occassionally write). Presumably, you've received your fair share of reviews, yes?

So, f-list, what makes a good review?

Do you like long reviews or short ones? Reviews with lots of positive comments or can it include negatives too? Do you want someone to point out mistakes or would you rather they contact you in a less public way? Do you want constructive criticism and when you get it do you actually consider what the reviewer says? What do you do with completely negative reviews? Do you like to have loads of "ZOMG I lurved it, plz rite more!" reviews? Or are you satisfied with a few, well-written reviews? Or do you really not care about reviews at all and just write and post what you want for your own pleasure?

I was going to try to make this into some kind of poll but I'd really rather read your thoughts and comments. Discuss?

fic, writing, fandom, reviews, question

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