Warning: Actual Fannish Content!

Mar 28, 2012 21:48

I know, I know. I am shocked myself. I haven't posted anything fannish in forever.

BUT! Last Friday, I was poking around Netflix, trying to find something to watch, realizing I am so behind on so many, and I came across White Collar, which I have seen darthrami rave about. And she and I usually like the same shows, so.

I've consumed all of season 1 and 2 since Friday night! Count me in the Matt Bomer fan club, specifically the Matt Bomer Shirtless Sub-division, because omfg! But mostly this show is just FUN. The writing is great, the characters have depth and flaws, and did I mention Matt Bomer? Also, any scene with Willie Garson is my favorite.

So, that's what I've been consuming the last few days!

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white collar, television

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