Furlough Day Eleventy One

Aug 01, 2011 21:54

Still not the prettiest.... oh, sorry, wrong diary!

Still furloughed! Now that the debt ceiling thing is winding down, the hope is that they'll get our stuff sorted out. So, maybe by Thursday or Friday? Of course, I am heading up to NYC this weekend, so I won't be in those days if we do go back! (We're going to see the Potter exhibit and I need cuddle time with my goddaughter).

ETA: OR NOT... Congress has adjourned for its August recess. Looks like I might be furloughed for all of August. Fuck.

Spent some time at the pool today. I figured I might as well enjoy the time off now that I don't have to schlepp the kid back and forth to camp.

Then I had to go do the tech support thing for my mother. She claimed her internet wasn't working, but it was fine while I was there (always the way, isn't it?). But I installed some updates and showed her how to use the iTunes store. And had to explain AGAIN, how internet comes to her house and what an ISP is vs. a browser vs. a website.

In media news, am making good progess of Clash of Kings (A Song of Ice and Fire, book 2) and I managed to snag Pottermore accounts for both me and my son. I am FlameCharm46 over there, and am looking forward to the Sorting Test. I am hoping the boy and I get different houses so we can share the info.

This entry was also posted at http://misscake.dreamwidth.org/343279.html. You can comment in either location.

family, computer, fandom, work

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