This has been edited for brevity and relevance.
foldingstar: i am currently reading The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. Ever heard of it?
misscake: absolutely! one of my favorite books. even though i am not a fan of dystopic fiction.
misscake: but i read it in high school and had this brilliant literature teacher who really analyzed the shit out of that book and it's themes have stuck with me for a long time.
foldingstar: Right.
foldingstar: lol
foldingstar: Well I can imagine it appealing to feminists.
misscake: oh, definitely.
foldingstar: although i looked up the author, and i like her for one thing. She was awarded a literature award in Israel, and loads of groups pressured her to boycott, which she refused to do so saying that "one does not do cultural boycotts"....or something like that
misscake: she is kind of kick ass like that. lol
foldingstar: I am enjoying it, although it is the sort of book i can put down and not return to for a while. Which is a sign that i may well be enjoying it, but not obsessively enjoying it.
misscake: what part of the book are you at?
foldingstar: I am almost halfway through. She has just been shagged.
foldingstar: by the commander guy
misscake: Fred. okay.
foldingstar: lol. I did not know that was his name
foldingstar: they only call him the commander
foldingstar: lol
foldingstar: are you revealing shit to me
misscake: LOL. well, no. but his name should be obvious. all of the women of childbearing age that are placed with commanders lose their first name and are only addressing as OFwhatever the commander's name is. so her name is Offred. so his name is Fred.
misscake: actually that is one of my favorite bits. her name is Offred. but you can also read it as Off Red (the color they all have to wear). showing that she is rebelling.
foldingstar: right. Yep, i can tell you have read this in high school.
misscake: LOL because an adult would not get that?
foldingstar: no. i do not mean that. it is just the sort of thing which high school analysis concentrates on
misscake: (NSFW!)
foldingstar: (NSFW!)
foldingstar: i love how we were talking about a book, but i was off searching for hot pics of guys and you were looking at boylove shit
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why
foldingstar is my BFF!