(no subject)

Oct 24, 2008 10:20

My son and I are both home sick today. I'm more congestion and cough, while he's congestion and sore throat. A quick visit to urgent care last night showed that it's not strep, just your average nasty cold that's going around.

So, we are curled up on the couch, surrounded by snotty tissues; I've got my laptop and he's watching TV. And I've activated the Mom/Grandma Alert System and she's making chicken soup for us to bring by later today. *loves on my mommy*

In other news, foldingstar told me that the BBC program Question Time is coming to D.C. next Thursday (the 30th) to film a special on the U.S. election. Panel members so far include historian Simon Schama, Chicago Tribune columnist Clarence Page, and Elizabeth Edwards!

Apparently, you can still sign up to be in the audience. Go fill out the form HERE! (You can also include two questions you want the panel to address) I did last night, so here's hoping they contact me.

family, news, sick

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