A list. But it's an exciting list!

Aug 28, 2007 19:39

foldingstar has complained that my posts are boring, so let's see if I can spice it up.

1. First day of school today. It went really well and he likes his teacher (for now) even though she's not the *cool* one. It was a half day and we went out to lunch with a couple of other families which was really fun.

2. Um. We found living room furniture today. Sort of a total fluke as I had planned on coming home and cleaning the house instead. But I really love it! My parents asked me if we'd come into money somehow. The answer is no; we've been sort of saving for this for a while. But now the heat is on to get rid of the old stuff (it's been listed on Craig's list for about 4 hours and we've already had several inquiries) and get a painter scheduled in the next 3 weeks. *freaks out*

3. This is late, yes, but SO MUCH HAPPINESS that Gonzales resigned. It's about damn time and I just shudder to think how long it will take to undo the damage he's done. I'm especially curious to see how this will affect the proposed changes to the state death penalty process.

4. Larry Craig (R-Idaho) just needs to come out and admit he's gay because what he is doing now is seriously cringe-worthy. Listening to his speech, I was half expecting him to give the het version of Justin's "I like cock" speech from QaF.

5. I finally watched The Queen last night. I was rather disappointed.

ETA: And how wonderful to see Senator Tim Johnson ready to come back to work!

Was that exciting enough?

Where's a flamingo when you need one?

family, films, politics

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