no further comment
In other news, I found a lizard at work. It was in the green beans. At first I thought it was a clump of leaves and went to pull it out and nope! It's actually a dead lizard. One of the little anoles. Tiny little thing. I call my co-worker over and we discussed what exactly one does when one finds a dead lizard in the green beans because this is not a thing that was ever covered in my training. Or maybe it was. I don't know, man, I've been at this job for so long that I'm actually not sure if dead lizards were covered or not. So anyway, we dumped the beans (and the lizard) in a box, but before we could actually dispose of them, one of the managers and another coworker wanted to see the lizard for themselves. They didn't quite believe us. So we had to root around in a box of beans for the dead lizard. Then Michelle started insisting it was actually alive and was just hibernating from being cold. So, we ended up putting it in a cup and she's going to take it to the pet store. I guess by now she already took it to the pet store. Anyway, next time I see Michelle I'll let you know if the lizard was alive or dead.