
Mar 29, 2011 13:03

I'm at my grandmother's house right now. She and my mom are in the other room, trying to figure out some problem with Grammom's facebook account. My grandfather is in the room, but he's pretty quiet. ^^

Lately I've been playing Harvest Moon 64 again. I want to trigger as many GrayxPopuri heart events as possible. I'll probably marry either Elli or Karen. I'm leaning towards Elli, since I don't much like the EllixJeff pairing. For whatever reason, when I first played I thought that Jeff was Elli's legal guardian, and when I started triggering heart events between the two, I was kinda squicked. I've since learned I was wrong about him being her guardian, and I've come around somewhat to the pairing, but there's some lingering traces of squick.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

via ljapp, bored, harvest moon 64, shipping, harvest moon

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