Yesterday was a pretty good day.

Jan 13, 2009 12:26

I felt happier and freer. How we view ourselves, how we relate to God, how we go about our day, hinges so much on emotions, whether we realize it or not. Feelings aren't necessarily bad, but they can't be really trusted. They're arbitrary and always changing, sometimes for reasons beyond our control. When out of control, your emotions can overwhelm your ability to think or act objectively. So something that would seem ridiculous and trivial to one person can seem overwhelming and terrible to another, mostly because of how differently their hearts and brains are wired, or even because of a hormonal or chemical imbalance.

Anyway. =P

This is pretty cute. If you don't have time to watch all of it, at least watch from 4:15 onward:

image Click to view

deeper thoughts, cute, emotions

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