May 30, 2006 12:12



Basically all that means is I'm out of my parents' house for a bit.

Yes, bitchs. Reb can be independant.

So like. Yeah. I'm going state-hopping for a bit with my friends. I'm in New Jersey with friends. I got to see Niagra falls!! (but I didn't learn how to spell the name) I got a bunch of pictures to remember it, I might upload them later... Oh, an I got to go on Lady Liberty.

This was of course when I was in NYC last week. Lady Lib and the big waterfall aren't in Jersey. Duh.

We're going to find OLD Jersey! =D


So... yeah. I'll try and get on whenever I see a library, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to be consistant.

I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE YOU ALL! *sends hugs and kisses and lurrrrrvins*
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