Jun 19, 2003 22:01
the music industry can rot in hell.
plain and simple
so so so sick of mainstream rock, mainstream hip hop, mainstream pop, mainstream sucky music. i gave up a long time ago on quality mainstream music, but argh i still get so annoyed. i really dont know why i'm feeling this way right now. but no time like the present. maybe cuz i'm listening to internet radio and i'm so annoyed at mainstream hip hop and "urban my ass" music. it's gone down in quality so much from what it used to be back in the day. and it's not just hip hop, recent mainstream rock sucks ass, and the britney spears pop has never been anything but somethin to wipe my ass with. only 2 out of 10 (if that) times does quality music come from any mainstream groups that are becoming popular. and even good artists are going bad. come on now. well that's my random 2 cent rant. for what it's worth.